The Melancholy of Departure 

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from a dream

In this dream, I was devastated, crying with my face buried in my friend's lap while she stroked my hair and spoke softly:

your love language is trying.

your love language is "this made me think of you".

your love language is preparing plate of cut up fruits, that someone didn't have to ask for.

your love language is saying to person you care about "go on" after their were interrupted.

your love language is noticing.

your love language is believing someone when they show who they are.

your love language is "let me know when you get home safe".

there's no reason to cry that much, even when you need that cry to survive. someday, someone, will make you feel loved. as you need to be loved. someday, one day. I'm sure about it.

One of the hardest things to do is to move forward without all of the  answers you need.

Sometimes you need to move on not exactly knowing why and be okay with that.

Maybe closure is actually really all about you. You are the one who chooses to put one foot in front of the other each day, no one else can do that for you.

So maybe it is posibble to move forward even when the reasons why are a mystery. Closure is not something we are all fortunate enough to get, so trust that you have the strength to get yourself through this season, with or without answers.

Maybe the answers will come one day in the future, once you are ready to see them.